About Us

The Women in Acoustics Committee is a subgroup of the Acoustical Society of America, and works to achieve the following goals:

  • To consider the special problems of attracting women to acoustics at all levels of the educational process, and the special problems of retaining women in the profession, given traditional family involvements.
  • To encourage the recruitment of female colleagues to become and remain members of the Society.
  • To assist new women members to become active participants in the work of the Society through personal contacts, mentoring, networking, and receptions.
  • To encourage and assist women members to pursue Fellowship in the Society, and to recruit and support those that run for Society office.
  • To organize sessions on women at meetings of the Society for the purposes of highlighting and encouraging the accomplishments of women.
  • To report annually to the Council on the status of women in the Society and the outstanding issues to be addressed.